ジェナ・マローンのインスタグラム(jenamalone) - 7月25日 10時14分

Climbing to the top of a12,000 year old pagoda. I meditated with my guide in the darkness before first light. Slowly I hear them, the other fellow travelers. Carrying their zoo mentality , camera armed and cocksure. A prize fighter claiming the right to view her, better. Like all her wild beauty could be contained in a single frame. The sounds of roosters and a monk saying the morning prayer on a radio in the distance gives way to shutter clicks and conversation. I ,in turn ,have my own conversation with the dawn . With my eyes closed. I imagine we are on a first date. And when I receive her I am blinded by her beauty. But all subtle strength turns shy when a camera is placed between the heart and the minds eye. I whisper to her "I'll keep my eyes closed till your ready, I want you to feel safe" she keeps quiet until I feel her , the warmest light on my face. No words now. Just two lights meeting each other. A metaphysical form of first base. ##truelove


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