Sarah Ramadanのインスタグラム(fightforgrowth) - 7月14日 10時30分

Today is a very special day in my recovery. Not only am I initiating the a journey of self-discovery, but I am allowing myself to feel, no matter how uncomfortable it may be.
It has been almost a year since I've stepped into a restaurant. Not measuring my food triggers great levels of anxiety, and the fear of uncertainty has had me relapsing one too many times over the past few years.
But today I allowed myself to feel pain, knowing that behind that pain, I will win against the disorder.
Today, I had restaurant-made sushi, my most favourite food in the world. This may be minuscule to your eyes, but to me, this is one of the greatest adversities I have overcome.
Proud, not satisfied.
We do ourselves a great favour by feeling our feelings without judgement, and going along with the ride no matter how unstructured it may be. Our instinct is pure genius, and honouring this sense will welcome newly found trust in ourselves. Own your recovery and stop meeting other peoples expectations. I don't care if you've been struggling for a month or a decade. It's never too late as long as you're still here. FIGHT THROUGH and #fightforgrowth


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




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