✋ A LOT of you have asked me my take on IIFYM, "clean eating", flexible dieting and the million other trending daily diets. First and foremost let me start off by saying that is MY personal opinion based on MY personal experience. Anyone and everyone will tell you something different based on THEIR body and experience. I personally don't count my macros or even so much as to step on a scale so no I don't even know how much I weigh. Does that mean I don't believe in it? Absolutely not. I'm just not a competitor and for ME this is just a lifestyle that has me eating well and enjoying the "junk" when I want it without stressing about numbers. So I do incorporate flexible dieting into my lifestyle? 110% yes. Now lets get down to IIFYM. Scientifically speaking does it work? Yes. Do I like to push it or preach about it? No. Why? Because IIFYM has gained fame for simply trying to fit as much shitty food into your diet as you can. At this point it usually fails and well....doesn't fit your macros. So it's not that I don't believe it works...it does. The issue is most people don't do it correctly and fail. Now to "clean eating". This is a topic who's definition can be discussed for eternity but lets get to the gist of it. "Don't eat anything that's processed". Also known as the guilt trip for shitty food trend. Why doesn't it work? Because its not sustainable. These "clean eaters" are more likely than anyone to binge and have bad relationships with food. So what's the answer? It's about balance, lifestyle and consistency. Not depriving yourself and not going to extremes only to fail. The right "diet" is the one that works for YOU and your lifestyle. So stop asking others what THEY do. Everyones lifestyle, genetics and bodies are different. They'll likely lie to make themselves feel superior anyway. Focus on yourself and you'll find your answers through trail and error. Diet/supps/training q's? Email [email protected]

ainsleyさん(@ainsley)が投稿した動画 -

Ainsley Rodriguezのインスタグラム(ainsley) - 7月8日 05時07分

A LOT of you have asked me my take on IIFYM, "clean eating", flexible dieting and the million other trending daily diets. First and foremost let me start off by saying that is MY personal opinion based on MY personal experience. Anyone and everyone will tell you something different based on THEIR body and experience. I personally don't count my macros or even so much as to step on a scale so no I don't even know how much I weigh. Does that mean I don't believe in it? Absolutely not. I'm just not a competitor and for ME this is just a lifestyle that has me eating well and enjoying the "junk" when I want it without stressing about numbers. So I do incorporate flexible dieting into my lifestyle? 110% yes.
Now lets get down to IIFYM. Scientifically speaking does it work? Yes. Do I like to push it or preach about it? No. Why? Because IIFYM has gained fame for simply trying to fit as much shitty food into your diet as you can. At this point it usually fails and well....doesn't fit your macros. So it's not that I don't believe it works...it does. The issue is most people don't do it correctly and fail.
Now to "clean eating". This is a topic who's definition can be discussed for eternity but lets get to the gist of it. "Don't eat anything that's processed". Also known as the guilt trip for shitty food trend. Why doesn't it work? Because its not sustainable. These "clean eaters" are more likely than anyone to binge and have bad relationships with food.
So what's the answer? It's about balance, lifestyle and consistency. Not depriving yourself and not going to extremes only to fail. The right "diet" is the one that works for YOU and your lifestyle. So stop asking others what THEY do. Everyones lifestyle, genetics and bodies are different. They'll likely lie to make themselves feel superior anyway. Focus on yourself and you'll find your answers through trail and error.

Diet/supps/training q's? Email hardcoreainsley@gmail.com


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