Sarah Ramadanのインスタグラム(fightforgrowth) - 6月30日 06時40分

I think the term "cheat meal" is stupid.
I've always been a health nut, but that doesn't mean I can't have "sometimes food" every now and then! I think that listening to yourself and your cravings is the complete opposite of cheating, rather it's being true to the cues your body gives you! Depriving yourself hinders the goal of fulfillment. I am in no way encouraging over indulgence, but when you start to listen to your body with respect and attentiveness, you won't even have this fear! Trust yourselves first and foremost, and let your actions descend from a place of love, virtue, and value- for others, and most importantly, for YOURSELVES.
Today's act of self-kindness is treating myself to my greatest love.... ❤️?❤️dark chocolate❤️?❤️ I melted the squares in Greek yogurt, egg whites, and oats, and placed the batter on a non-stick pan. Topped with cocoa powder, stevia, and WF chocolate syrup ❤️??


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