アメリカ自然史博物館のインスタグラム(amnh) - 11月1日 23時04分

Turtle lovers, have you ever seen the Roti Island snake-necked turtle (Chelodina mccordi)? This reptile’s serpentine neck can measure about two-thirds the length of its carapace! When threatened, it can’t tuck its long neck into its shell like many other turtles can. Instead, it wraps its neck around its body like a scarf. You can find this species on Roti Island, Indonesia, where it inhabits wetlands such as lakes and swamps. Unfortunately, it’s critically endangered and threatened by habitat loss and hunting.

Photo:Chriest, CC BY-NC-SA 2.0, flickr
#herpetology #reptiles #wildlife #naturephotograpy #didyouknow #animalfacts #biodiversity


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