ジェーン・パークのインスタグラム(thejanepark) - 7月4日 04時52分

2 years ago, I watched the fireworks go off in the distance from the 10th floor of the ICU. This time around they seemed like a warning sign of things to come. All I could hear were the beeping monitors and the low hum of medical machines in our small room. The lights were off but the room remained illuminated from the strip lights in the hallway of the hospital. Grace laid lifeless and so small in a big hospital bed. I couldn’t hold her and I was even afraid to touch her. The day before, we had play wrestled after I missed the cut in a tournament. Her shrieks and giggles echoed through the hallways of our hotel. She had taken her first assisted steps while pushing a toy shopping cart just one day ago…that girl was gone but I didn’t know it yet. I still had hope that she would miraculously bounce back even though the doctors were very ominous in their assessment of Grace’s condition.

The stark reality of her injury slowly came to light and the realness of our loss became all consuming. No matter how many deep breaths I took, my lungs refused to fill.

The last two years has given me a giant dose of perspective. And not just once, but every single day, multiple times a day. I’ve learned to live life in moments and really try my best (and often times fail) not to look towards the future.

At times it feels like we are surviving on the outermost edges of society. Is it ableism that makes us feel excluded? Yes. Is it also being afraid to step outside our comfort zones? Yes. We continue to learn and adapt to what Grace needs and what she enjoys, all without her being able to say a word. But my oh my, does she speak in her own way.

I am steeped in the beauty that is Grace every day. Thankful for when she wakes up in the morning. Thankful for the way she looks up at me, awestruck, because the feeling is 110% mutual. At times I see a twinkle in her eye that reflects the pride of having endured what she has so far. I wish I could endure for her, but we carry on in her wake while trying to make peace within the chaos.

Thankful that you’ve made it this far, Grace ❤️

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