ナショナルジオグラフィックのインスタグラム(natgeo) - 6月22日 22時00分

Photo by @hannahreyesmorales | Talap Zamanbol, aged 14 at the time, poses for a portrait with her eagle in Mongolia. She is part of a generation of nomads keeping an ancient tradition alive in a world being altered by technology. Zamanbol learned how to hunt with eagles from her grandfather, whose eagle she inherited after he died. When teaching her to hunt, he always uttering the words, ‘My granddaughter will someday be an eagle huntress.’ Out of custom and love, the birds are eventually released back into the wild. Zamanbol was 13 when she let her first eagle go, the one she'd inherited from her grandfather. Her family slaughtered a sheep for the occasion. She then tied a white ribbon around the bird’s leg, went up to the mountains, and bid the eagle farewell. “I was sad,” Zamanbol said, “but I wanted her to be free.”

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