ナショナルジオグラフィックのインスタグラム(natgeo) - 6月21日 10時00分

Photo by @martinedstrom | “I don’t hate wolves. I believe they have a right to exist just like any other animal. But people don’t understand what they are doing to our reindeer herds and how much this impacts the Sami community,” says Evelina Solsten, who’s standing beside her tamed reindeer Daemies on ancestral land in Jämtland in western Sweden. Evelina is Sami, the Indigenous people who’ve roamed the region for millennia, and her family has lived off reindeer-keeping for generations. When Daemies was just six months old, a wolf attack separated her from the rest of her herd, and she had to be taken in by Evelina or she wouldn’t have survived. They have been friends ever since. This photograph is from an ongoing project about the Sami and predators. Follow @martinedstrom for more as the story develops.


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