長澤和輝さんのインスタグラム写真 - (長澤和輝Instagram)「. そうだ 京都、 いこう。  このコピーを制作した太田恵美さんは、旅を「今いるところとは違う場所へ行くこと」「街が持つ引力に魅せられて日常から離れる行為」と表現した。京都はまさにその魅力があると思う。  日常から離れるという点では、サッカー観戦も旅といえるかもしれない。 スタジアムで興奮と歓喜、落胆の先にある勝利を味わえば、旅の醍醐味もみえてくる。 いつしか自らのルーツを街クラブに託し、共に戦うことになるかもしれない。  選手はその想いを一身に背負い、責任を胸に、重圧と向き合いながら戦う。 プレッシャーを過度に感じたときにこそ、立ち返るべき忘れてはいけない非日常の価値が、そこにはあるはず。  「フットボールの最も重要な役割は、人々を楽しませることなんだ。それ以外の何でもないね。たかが、フットボールだからだよ。私たちは命を救うわけじゃない。手術みたいなことができるわけでもない。私たちができるのはフットボールだけだよ。そこで人々を楽しませられないのなら、なぜプレーするんだい?」 ー ユルゲン・ノルベルト・クロップ  #京都タワー  #そうだ京都行こう  "Let's go to Kyoto. Emi Ota, who created this copy writing, expressed traveling as "going to a place different from where you are now" and "being fascinated by the attraction of a city and distancing oneself from daily life." I think Kyoto embodies that charm.  In terms of distancing oneself from daily life, watching a soccer match can also be considered as a journey. Experiencing excitement, jubilation, disappointment and so at the stadium, one can taste the very essence of a trip. Before you know it, you may engage your own roots to a local club and start fighting the battle together.  Players bear those sentiments, carry the responsibility in their heart, and fight while confronting the pressure.  It is precisely in moments when we keenly feel the heavy pressure that we should return to the value of “going extraordinary place, fascination and distancing oneself from daily life.” That is the very essence of a journey, which should  never be forgotten.  "The most important role of football is to entertain people. Nothing else. It's just football. We're not saving lives. We can't perform surgeries. All we can do is simply play football. If we can't entertain people there, why do we play at all?" - Jurgen Norbert Klopp」5月22日 20時47分 - nagasaman1216

長澤和輝のインスタグラム(nagasaman1216) - 5月22日 20時47分





ー ユルゲン・ノルベルト・クロップ

#京都タワー #そうだ京都行こう

"Let's go to Kyoto.
Emi Ota, who created this copy writing, expressed traveling as "going to a place different from where you are now" and "being fascinated by the attraction of a city and distancing oneself from daily life." I think Kyoto embodies that charm.

In terms of distancing oneself from daily life, watching a soccer match can also be considered as a journey. Experiencing excitement, jubilation, disappointment and so at the stadium, one can taste the very essence of a trip. Before you know it, you may engage your own roots to a local club and start fighting the battle together.

Players bear those sentiments, carry the responsibility in their heart, and fight while confronting the pressure.
It is precisely in moments when we keenly feel the heavy pressure that we should return to the value of “going extraordinary place, fascination and distancing oneself from daily life.” That is the very essence of a journey, which should never be forgotten.

"The most important role of football is to entertain people. Nothing else. It's just football. We're not saving lives. We can't perform surgeries. All we can do is simply play football. If we can't entertain people there, why do we play at all?" - Jurgen Norbert Klopp


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