武井義明のインスタグラム(bebechef) - 4月11日 12時34分

フードスタイリスト飯島奈美さんのお茶漬けは、緑茶を鍋で軽く煎ったところに、塩を加えた出汁をジュッと注いで「出汁茶」をつくるところから始まります。そのおいしいこと! 詳しい作り方は「ほぼ日」の「飯島奈美 LIFE」のコンテンツでどうぞ。

Shizuoka, where I am from, is famous for its green tea. Since I was a child, I have always enjoyed green tea not only as a regular drink, but also as a side dish with leftover white rice. People from other regions are surprised to hear that it is just rice and tea. But it is bitter, smooth, and delicious. But after I learned about Nami Iijima's recipe, this is the only way to make ochazuke. I was surprised at the idea of brewing tea with dashi!


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



