豊田章男さんのインスタグラム写真 - (豊田章男Instagram)「. 4月1日をもって、会長に就任しました。 社長になって13年間、いいときも、苦しいときも、変わらず応援してくださり、本当にありがとうございました。  私が社長に就任したのはリーマン・ショックの赤字転落直後でした。 「トヨタはいつからお金をつくる会社になったんだ」と言われたときの悔しい想いは今も忘れることができません。 「もっといいクルマづくり」という言葉に対しても、はじめは「数値目標も言えないのか」と理解を示してくれる人は少なく、孤独な闘いでした。 常に「お手並み拝見」、少しでもうまくいかないことがあれば「そら見たことか」。 そんなムードの中、次々と押し寄せる会社存亡の危機に、情熱を持ち、必死に行動して、何とか生き残ってきた。 そして、少しずつ仲間が増え、「もっといいクルマ」という言葉は、商品という形になって世に出始めてきた。 そんな13年間だったと思います。  今の私にはバトンを渡せる仲間がいます。 佐藤恒治 新社長が率いる経営チームは、私と一緒に、現場で「もっといいクルマ」に挑み、失敗を重ねてきた仲間たちです。 「お客様を笑顔にするクルマをつくりたい」。 本気でそう思っています。 私自身、立場は変わりますが、自動車産業550万人、そして、世界中でクルマに関わる方々のため、応援団と未来を創る活動に力を注ぎ、新チームを応援してまいります。  私たちがクルマの未来をどのように変えていくのか、是非とも、温かくお見守りいただき、変わらぬご支援をどうかよろしくお願いします。  I became chairman of Toyota on April 1st. I am grateful for the support I received through my 13-year tenure, through the good times and the hard.  When I started, Toyota was in the red after the global financial crisis. I will never forget the frustration when people said, "Since when did Toyota become only interested in making money?" Very few understood when I first talked about "making ever-better cars,” and the usual response was to ask for target numbers. Everyone stood waiting for me to do something and gloated at every misstep.  Even amid the cynicism, Toyota survived by acting with passion and determination through one crisis after another. I eventually found allies, and the words "making ever-better cars" began to take shape in our products.  Now, I can pass on the baton. Incoming President Koji Sato will lead a team of colleagues who have stood with me, taken on the challenge of making "ever-better cars" on the genba, and learned through making mistakes. They share the passion to make cars that make customers smile.  My role has changed, but I will keep up future-building work to support this new team for the sakes of the 5.5 million people in Japan's auto industry and those working with cars worldwide.  I hope you continue your warm support, as together we change the future of the automobile.  #会長就任 #トヨタ新体制 #もっといいクルマづくり #自動車産業」4月1日 12時00分 - akiotoyoda_official

豊田章男のインスタグラム(akiotoyoda_official) - 4月1日 12時00分



佐藤恒治 新社長が率いる経営チームは、私と一緒に、現場で「もっといいクルマ」に挑み、失敗を重ねてきた仲間たちです。


I became chairman of Toyota on April 1st. I am grateful for the support I received through my 13-year tenure, through the good times and the hard.

When I started, Toyota was in the red after the global financial crisis. I will never forget the frustration when people said, "Since when did Toyota become only interested in making money?" Very few understood when I first talked about "making ever-better cars,” and the usual response was to ask for target numbers. Everyone stood waiting for me to do something and gloated at every misstep.

Even amid the cynicism, Toyota survived by acting with passion and determination through one crisis after another. I eventually found allies, and the words "making ever-better cars" began to take shape in our products.

Now, I can pass on the baton. Incoming President Koji Sato will lead a team of colleagues who have stood with me, taken on the challenge of making "ever-better cars" on the genba, and learned through making mistakes. They share the passion to make cars that make customers smile.

My role has changed, but I will keep up future-building work to support this new team for the sakes of the 5.5 million people in Japan's auto industry and those working with cars worldwide.

I hope you continue your warm support, as together we change the future of the automobile.



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