小林さやかさんのインスタグラム写真 - (小林さやかInstagram)「2020年コロナ禍に入籍してすぐに海外留学を決意してから、私は毎日家に引きこもって英語猛勉強の日々が始まった。それを一年半ほど続けて留学が決まり、バタバタと昨年渡米。あれ?ハネムーンって行ってなかったね?と気づき、ニューヨークから4時間ほどで行けるメキシコのカンクンに行ってきた!  何も考えずに太陽の下でダラダラ寝たり本読んだり食べたり飲んだり(りょうちゃんはずっとお酒飲んでた)する贅沢な時間。こんなにゆっくりできたのはいつぶりだろうか。幸せすぎた。  いつも突然破天荒なことを言い出す私に何にも驚かずににこにこと無理せずに一緒に楽しみながら付き合ってくれるりょうちゃんには感謝しかない。またいろんなとこ行きたい!  My husband and I got married in 2020 and shortly after, I decided to study abroad. Since then, I spent all my time studying English, finished my application and headed to the US. Therefore, we didn't have enough time for a honeymoon so we ended up taking a trip to Cancun, Mexico, which was only a four-hour flight from NYC.  We had an amazing time just lounging in the sun, reading books, eating and drinking (my husband drank all the time). It was the first time in a while that I was able to truly relax🥹  I can't thank my husband enough for being cool with my wild ideas and for always being down for fun🫶 I can't wait to travel again and see more places!  #カンクン  #ハネムーン #cancun」1月13日 14時03分 - syk03150915

小林さやかのインスタグラム(syk03150915) - 1月13日 14時03分




My husband and I got married in 2020 and shortly after, I decided to study abroad. Since then, I spent all my time studying English, finished my application and headed to the US. Therefore, we didn't have enough time for a honeymoon so we ended up taking a trip to Cancun, Mexico, which was only a four-hour flight from NYC.

We had an amazing time just lounging in the sun, reading books, eating and drinking (my husband drank all the time). It was the first time in a while that I was able to truly relax🥹

I can't thank my husband enough for being cool with my wild ideas and for always being down for fun🫶 I can't wait to travel again and see more places!



>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



