シェイナ・テイラーのインスタグラム(shaynateresetaylor) - 9月5日 04時26分

One of my most asked questions: “how are you eating while in Italy?” And to be honest, I’m just going for it— no limitations. A few years ago on vacation here, I realized that even while eating pasta and pizza daily, I felt great. I had no headaches, upset stomach or any of those usual reactions I get when I’ve consumed gluten in America. ⁣

When I returned from that trip, I asked every doctor I had how this was possible and even did my own research. I learned that my reaction to gluten is more than just the gluten itself— it’s the different protein makeup of how ingredients are grown in America vs how they’re grown here. They’re using fewer pesticides, fewer GMOs, fewer chemicals and overall completely different processing techniques (this last one is a huge reason why those with dairy issues can get by in Europe!) And while I’m not eating gluten at every single meal, I’m definitely indulging in pizza, pasta and baked goods as I eat out. In my opinion, eating the food of the country you’re visiting is the best way to experience their culture! ⁣

As a reminder, I do NOT have celiacs, I’m just really sensitive to it. If you do have celiacs or are more intolerant than me, I do not recommend that you throw your health to the wind— I’m just sharing what has worked for me (and in my research has worked for others who are sensitive to dairy and gluten!) If any of you are gluten/ dairy sensitive or intolerant, have you also found this to be true while traveling to other countries? Let me know! 🍝⁣


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