ソフィア・ブッシュのインスタグラム(sophiabush) - 1月28日 11時18分

A friend of mine shared these photos of Anne Frank today, as it is Holocaust Remembrance Day. Her little face, bubbling with curiosity and laughter and excitement, always gives me the chills. But what made my stomach turn today were my friend’s words. She remarked that Anne, like her own precious daughter, was doing all of the giggly things that children do, until “well intentioned” people did nothing. The slaughter of six million souls in the camps, not even 100 years ago, happened because too many people didn’t want to have real talk. Didn’t want to confront toxic nationalism, fascism, and hatred for profit and power. Too many people were all too happy to have a scapegoat, rather than examine the real roots of suffering. Too many people got high off of hatred and its false promise of belonging. Hatred traffics in the idea that you’ll be let into an exclusive club of some kind. But what it does, is feed on you like a parasite while those in toxic power are walled off from their minions, who they view solely as supply. It was true then. It cost us the Anne’s. It is true now. It’s costing lives, still. Anti-Semitism is alive and growing, like a cancer. Racism too. They are poisoned fruits from the same toxic tree. Supremacy. Nationalism. Which masquerades as patriotism but is its murderous, parasitic cousin. It wears Tshirts about how mass killings “weren’t enough” into treasonous raids on our nation’s Capitol. It is NOT proud. It is evil. We have to uproot the tree. We have to wake up. If we do not learn from our mistakes we are doomed to repeat them. If we refuse to look at, and own and honor the past, we will assume it can’t happen here. Our ancestors have lessons to teach us. One such ancestor is at the end of this slide. Dr. Edith Eger. Holocaust survivor, psychologist, icon. Listen to her words today, if you’re able. Or read Anne’s diary entries. Take yourself back to put yourselves in their shoes. They’re full of lessons. Are we listening?? #holocaustremembranceday


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