Kate Oliverのインスタグラム(birchandpine) - 1月25日 07時44分

When living on the road, we lived with so little. Sometimes I miss that. For four years, we lived with what we needed and little else.

As I prepared dinner last night in the Airstream we just purchased for our clients - I had a but only a simple cast iron skillet, a metal spoon...for the trip, I brought water bottles, a knife, a fork and spoon each, a cutting board, and compostable plates. We each brought simple changes of clothes, a sleeping bag each, a pillow. Water. Books to read.

When we began talking about getting off the road after four years of collective full time travel, it was largely because there were many things that our family (collectively and individually) gave up to live on the road - many of them creative or personal pursuits that needed space and breadth. For many years, we happily exchanged these for the adventure and experiences and landscape without a thought.

After nearly eight months in a house, I have at times missed life on the road so terribly that my body physically aches for it, though at other times, I have been so thankful and content to be still.

I am working on processing our massive life shift, even all of these months later. We are changed from every experience we had out there. We didn’t return to stationary life, we were nomads who chose to settle down in a new place. We didn’t fall back into the rhythms, it was instead all vastly unfamiliar. Showers and sleeping in the same place every night felt foreign and welcomed all at once.

I know that I will never not want to experience the stripping away of the extra, the comfort, the stability of a house in a town in a place. I crave the road’s simplicity, and I know that there is more to learn by putting myself in the way of it. The brief trips out and back have been showing me this in great clarity.

I really don’t believe I’ll just be a person who lives in one place and in one town forever, no more than I can be just a nomad without an address to return to. I am learning that I want and need both homes and ways of living, and now it’s just a matter of figuring out how to do both.

And I always figure out how to do what my heart needs.


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