ジェマ・アトキンソンのインスタグラム(glouiseatkinson) - 1月4日 22時38分

Hip thrusts! Nowadays the trend seems to be having a big ass (that’s why on insta most people stand twisting themselves into some weird “S” shape with the camera low to make it look bigger) 😕 Years ago on my 1st session with Evil Steve I told him I sometimes have lower back pain and he immediately told me we’d work on strengthening my glutes to help get rid of it. My glutes?? I said, it’s my back that hurts... Cut to me realising the overall importance of having strong glutes. They help with posture, stability of my core, better balance, less back pain, better all round performance in every lower body exercise! That’s why I train my glutes. Take away the silly pressure of needing to have a bum thats just big. Let’s be honest in 10 yrs the “trend” will probably be having a small one again 🤦🏼‍♀️ Instead, with every rep, remember the physical benefits that really matter. The way your body functions 💪🏼


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