ニック・ナイトのインスタグラム(nick_knight) - 11月24日 04時38分

This week on the 27th of November at 19.37 SHOWstudio will be 20 years old.
Hooray !
To celebrate that I will be doing a take over of the @showstudio instagram where I answer the question I get asked most : “why did you start SHOWstudio ?”
On my own instagram I will be posting projects from SHOWstudio with some explanations, anecdotes and stories behind these projects.
SHOWstudio has been one of the most important things I have created in my life and I still feel just as excited as I did on that Thursday 20 years ago when I made the site live, and it still feels like I have just begun!
Diamond Blues was the very first piece to go on SHOWstudio.
If in 1999, you went to the url SHOWstudio.com, you would have seen a square of what looked like tv interference and heard the beautiful model Kate Moss and ever wonderful Bobby Gillespie singing Diamond Blues which they recorded especially for us.
This was all there was on line until the 27th of November at 19.37 which was the exact time the site went live.
Incidentally I originally intended to have a singing model every month.
Karen Elson was the next one we asked, see Devil’s plaything on SHOWstudio.
Many models naturally have multiple talents, and many are drawn towards performance in very different ways I guess often to do with their natural exuberance and extrovert natures.
Incidentally, an alternative title for the site was going to be Performance.com.
Fashion is unimaginable without it’s models and this is the reason I wanted to make my Subjective series on SHOWstudio where I ask models to talk about their version of being in the famous photographs we have all seen them in.
I wanted SHOWstudio to give models a voice, and a platform to be more than just a still image in a magazine.
Also, worth watching and very related to this is the SHOWstudio project More Beautiful Women, riffing of Warhols 12 most Beautiful women , it was an idea to remove the direction from the model photographer relationship and see what happens.
So to all the models that have appeared on SHOWstudio over the last two decades I want to say a hugely heartfelt thank you.❤️.Nick


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