シェイナ・テイラーのインスタグラム(shaynateresetaylor) - 11月20日 08時15分

Since asking what your “highs” were last week, I’ve been especially thinking about the sense of community I feel here on Instagram. It truly brings me joy to see you guys connecting in the comments, offering advice and sending prayers to those who need them and overall acting as virtual friends to one another. So today, I wanted to do a mental check-in with all of you so that we can all support each other:

How are you feeling today? Take a moment, check in with yourself and comment the heart corresponding with how you are feeling…

💚 I’m doing amazing. I’m ready and willing to offer up any support to others.⁣
💙 I’m doing great!⁣
💛 I’m okay. I’m hanging in there.⁣
🧡 Things are tough, I’m struggling.⁣
💔 I’m having a hard time, and wouldn’t mind if someone reached out to me. ⁣

Your feelings are always valid and there’s definitely no judgement here 💗


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




