メーガン・デュアメルのインスタグラム(meaganduhamel) - 11月20日 01時59分

It’s dance week on @cbcbattle and we’re using music from Canadian artist @richaucoin 🎶 It’s also the week that @wojtekwolski and I decided to do a real pairs program with opening choreography into a twist. We are ready to perform for you tonight and we’ll be doing an Instagram live again after the show at 10:00 pm!! So join us and chat and VOTE VOTE VOTE! It’s the final week for voting and it’s our final chance to make it into the finale! #botb #battleoftheblades #letsgo #doubletwist #danceweek


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



