ダニカ・パトリックのインスタグラム(danicapatrick) - 11月3日 04時11分


I had a thought this morning during my workout and took a picture of what sparked it, which is the second picture of sweet Dallas 🐺.

Dallas was barking and howling inside the fence, unable to get out. However when she did.... she just laid right next to the fence. And I realized, she just wants to feel freedom.

Isn’t that what we all are looking for in a relationship, friendship, job, travel, food, or how we take care of ourself? The ability to feel like we can create a life we want. It doesn’t mean we will make drastically different decisions, but the phycology is very very different. Autonomy.


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



