surflineのインスタグラム(surfline) - 9月26日 05時23分

living over 100 miles from the coast, Tim Warden, has won a finalist spot in Surfline’s inaugural Spirit of Surfing Cuervo Challenge. Funny how, given where he lives, his grand prize will also bring him to surf away from the coast at the Surf Ranch. “I will never forget the feeling of love and support from my local community, family, and friends who rallied around my contest submission wishing for me to experience the Surf Ranch,” said Tim. “I feel honored to represent them when I surf at the Surf Ranch, which is actually a 15-minute drive from my house! Winning this contest is truly a gift, and getting to surf my ‘local’ break will be a dream come true.” Stay tuned this week to see more videos from the winners. @josecuervotequila


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