トリー・ウィルソンのインスタグラム(torriewilson) - 9月23日 10時33分

Wherever you are in this big world right now. I hope you remember you are SPECIAL & here for a PURPOSE. (And that purpose is much bigger than you likely even realize.)
Everyone has a gift, one that pulls ppl in when you are in alignment with it! It’s something that feels easy & only gets better when you spread it.
Honestly, sometimes it’s hard to find or pinpoint what yours might be..But maybe it’s in an area you keep overlooking because you don’t think it’s “cool” enough?
ALL gifts are cool & noone gets to claim them all. They also kinda take work & intention to grow. ❤️
Maybe yours is being kind? Or your incredible patience with trying ppl? Maybe you have a way of instantly bringing peace to those around you & you don’t even realize it? Maybe it’s a talent like singing..but guess what? ALL these gifts can move ppl and change the world.
My point is. Don’t get lost in comparisons & wish that you had the gift that you admire in someone else and miss seing the beautiful person YOU are.

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