メリル・デイヴィスのインスタグラム(meryledavis) - 8月6日 05時28分

Something I've caught myself saying a lot lately is, "oh, I'm so out of shape." For example, I tried to slip into an old pair of jeans yesterday and couldn't quite button them... but is not fitting into something that once fit and suited us really a bad thing? What does "out of shape" mean? What "shape" are we really referring to when we tell ourselves that? For me, while I know this is silly, being "in shape" means my Olympic body. The truth, though, is that I no longer exercise six hours a day. Training and skating at an Olympic level is no longer my job and so being in Olympic shape is not only no longer an option, it's no longer functional. Why am I sharing this with you? I share this because I'm guessing I'm not the only person allowing this toxic little, “I'm so out of shape," phrase to negatively and irrationally impact my state of mind lately. These are tough times. We're all having to make adjustments and discover what works for us mentally, emotionally and physically within this new context. So, instead of holding ourselves to an impossible standard and willingly imposing shame upon ourselves (as we do)... let's embrace the now and do the best we can. Each of us deserves that love and respect from ourselves and I think it's important that we remind each other of that from time to time. 🖤


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