surflineのインスタグラム(surfline) - 7月31日 06時08分

"Late Drop - The Big Wave Podcast #7: Jamie Mitchell Hosts Aaron Gold -- hard to stay underground when you’ve bagged a World Record…⁣


Question: Can you still really be considered “underground” when you’ve won a Guinness Book of World Records record for your efforts? Mmm, maybe if it’s “Smallest Watercolor Painting,” but if it was for “Largest Wave Ever Paddled Into Pe’ahi (Jaws)”…yeah, in the surf world, you’re gonna blast through Ground Zero. Big Island-born, North Shore of Oahu-raised Aaron Gold, actually won that record in 2016 for a 63-foot-tall Jaws drainer. Of course, for anyone in Hawaii, that might not be a surprise. Aaron’s been Mr. Turn & Burn for the last few decades. His underground status just might’ve been more apt to the rest of the world. Jamie’s newest guest on The Late Drop, Aaron fills us in on his origin story—all the way to technically drowning at big Cloudbreak a few seasons back."⁣
Tune in to the full podcast through the link in bio.


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