Sakura of America(サクラクレパス)のインスタグラム(sakuraofamerica) - 7月14日 03時01分

Hi there! This is and I am super excited to be posting here with my favorite @Sakuraofanerica pens. ⁠
When I was asked to post here, I wanted to try something a little bit different. I have a passion for drawing architectural details. Also, I love adding lights onto a grey toned paper. You get to work backwards by carving out light in order to add dimension. I am using a mixed media grey paper and after I do a light pencil sketch, I use the Grey Moonlight Gelly Rolls to start laying in the drawing. I then added back the darks with black Micron pens. Finally, I used the white #GellyRoll pens to add the final highlights. ⁠

Decor #1 2020⁠
Gelly Roll and Micron Pens on Stillman & Birn Paper⁠
5.5 x 8 inches


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