Sakura of America(サクラクレパス)のインスタグラム(sakuraofamerica) - 7月10日 05時01分

Hi y’all, it’s Liz from @thegraytergood here with one last guest post and a little bit of encouragement for you:) In case you haven’t figured it out yet, this is the creative cycle. 🙈🙌🏻 And it’s pretty wonderful and awful at the same time. Because for every one thing that works out, usually at least five things had to go wrong. Take this piece, for example. This is a complete rework of a design I created last year, and I think it’s one of the most ‘me’ things I’ve ever made. But getting to this point wasn’t as easy as this photo makes it look. It was a few weeks of light mulling, a few days worth of sketching, 6 pages of drafts I didn’t even use, and a few hours of touch-ups and tweaks.⁠
So you see - failure was a huge part of this process. Out of all the sketches and ideas I had for this project, most of them didn’t work. You can choose to look at those instances as failures, or as lessons, to either beat beat yourself up about a mistake or to learn + grow from it. Because guess what - Failure WILL happen. None of us are immune to it. But some of my best projects and ideas have come about because I tried 99 things that didn’t work and then one thing that did.⁠
I could have chosen to quit on this piece after failing on this so often and feeling oh so defeated, but seeing it completed makes me glad that I didn’t. Not only is it one of my favorite things I’ve ever made, but it’s a testament to persistence and patience, things that are normally not my strong suit. And that makes it all the more special to me.⁠
So I hope that you felt encouraged, especially if you’re in the failure part of this cycle right now. You’re not alone, and sometimes all it takes is one more sketch to find the inspiration you’re looking for.⁠


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




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