National Geographic Travelのインスタグラム(natgeotravel) - 7月13日 01時12分

Photo by @babaktafreshi Turn your audio on for the sound of loons, recorded during this 20-second exposure over a peaceful lake in Maine on a night unspoiled by light pollution. My family recently stayed in this renovated boathouse, enveloped by ambient night sounds. In city life we are disconnected from these natural elements. Our excessive light pollution not only vanishes the stars, but it can immensely disturb wildlife. The natural night environment is far more sensitive to light than the general public knows. A single intense LED, left on unnecessarily in a vacation home, can disturb birds, insects, and the entire view.
Search for "Our nights are getting brighter, and Earth is paying the price" on for more. Follow me @babaktafreshi for more nighttime photography. #saveournightsky #twanight #stargazing #loons #newengland


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