ベラ・ゴールデンのインスタグラム(bellaagolden) - 7月1日 02時32分

my comments typically look like this: “you have no stretch marks- how do I get rid of mine”, “you have no cellulite” & “how do you have such a flat stomach” etc.. and since I have a platform I feel like it’s my responsibility to tell you that isn’t the truth. a lot of the media you consume is posed, perfectly lit, manipulated, and then you perceive it has reality or “normal”. So what happens next? you think to yourself, why don’t I look like that? even this photo is taken in flattering lighting.
we compare ourselves to others everyday. & in some ways that’s healthy to do- it can motivate you, inspire you- but you should never let it take away your beautiful individuality’s that make you YOU. the world would be a boring place if we were all a one-dimension homogenized version of beauty. whatever that means to you, take it for what it is. comparison is the thief of joy, and another persons beauty is not the absence of your own. for me, I’m done comparing myself and I’m focusing on doing inner work and self love.🌻🧡

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