ベラ・ゴールデンのインスタグラム(bellaagolden) - 6月16日 04時49分

some unretouched #bodylove 🤍☁️ *warning: disordered eating/thinking*
celebrating my body today because being in my body is a beautiful place to be. I am strong, resilient, radiant. I’ve had a long journey to get here. I’ve had 23 years in different variations of this form. I spent so long hating it, longing for a different body- dieting, wanting to be thin.. then being too thin and obsessing. hating myself when I gained weight. never being satisfied no matter what I looked like.
when I realized that I am so much more than my body is when I learned to love every nook and cranny. to know that it is perfectly normal to fluctuate. to bloat. for your body to move with you. dont be so hard on yourself. you are worthy. you should eat, play, live- you shouldn’t limit yourself for something unattainable. speak to yourself with LOVE.
I am so proud to call my body mine. and my heart, too.
I’m growing. 🌱


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



