ベラ・ゴールデンのインスタグラム(bellaagolden) - 6月10日 04時39分

first pic is me, how I’d typically pose on ig and second pic is just me hanging out. chillin :) that’s all it really is. I really don’t want to be that account with the OMG LOOK AT HOW DIFFERENT I LOOK SECONDS APART! you know, where it’s still really posed and two vast opposites... because that’s just not reality. but I want to remind you do this- that every person moves, bloats, exhales and isn’t always “photo ready”... whatever that means. reality is, we should all stop comparing ourselves to a still, posed skinny white cis woman after she’s shot 10000 photos of herself, filtered and manipulated it, then posted it. (I’m even including myself in this! No comparisons) no matter your size, everyone has insecurities. that’s right, everyone.
I want to remind you of something- finding yourself attractive, feeling good about who you are after years of hating yourself is a real journey, and a real accomplishment. and it HAPPENS! give yourself time to learn about all the beautiful things that make you who you are. stop looking at everything in a lens of how other people see you, and instead do everything with intention, treat yourself kindly, and realize nothing is really that serious. feel powerful in the skin we’re in, and be happy with that. if you decided today, that you were happy with how you looked, how would your life change? If you started your day with affirmations rather than negativity? if you were patient with yourself! the first step to world peace is peace within 🤍 bikini is: @prettylittlething #ad


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