ニーナ・メルセデスのインスタグラム(lifewithmariza) - 6月21日 02時03分

Check out the new Energy Tea I just reformulated it and it’s AMAZING!! Gunpowder green is higher in caffeine than most other green teas (35-40 mg/8 oz serving) and is commonly used by athletes to improve endurance over periods of 3-6 hours.

In addition, it provides an alternative to coffee.

1. Weight loss
One of the major health benefits of most green tea is weight loss and gunpowder green tea is not an exception. Though, it works more effectively and allows you to burn up to 2X more of calories than other green teas. Caffeine, catechins, and theanine in gunpowder green tea help to increase the metabolic activities of the body to burn out a larger amount of fat in no time.

2. Managing diabetes
Diabetes is one of the rampaging diseases that is affecting most individuals. Including gunpowder green tea in your daily diet will help to reduce your risk of having an increased blood-sugar level. Even if you are already battling with diabetes, the catechins and alkaloids in gunpowder green tea can help to regulate the blood sugar level in your body.

3. Energy booster
Gunpowder green tea contains a higher caffeine content than other types of green tea which makes it a perfect energy booster for you to have efficient and productive daily activities. With a cup of gunpowder green tea each morning, then you are “good to go” the rest of the day.

4. Builds a stronger immune system
Gunpowder green tea contains polyphenols and antioxidants that help to build up the immune system of the body and makes them war ready to fight against infection, flu, cold, etc. your body will then be empowered to fight any pathogens that you are exposed to daily.

5. Reduces the risk of chronic diseases
From research, high cholesterol level in the body has been associated with various life-threatening diseases such as heart attack, stroke, arthritis, cancer, Alzheimer, etc. However, the antioxidants present in gunpowder green tea helps to keep the cholesterol level in the body at a balance.

6. Improved digestive process
Catechins in gunpowder green tea helps with IBS, Crohn's disease, stomach inflammation and more.



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