テイラーRのインスタグラム(taytay_xx) - 6月11日 22時41分

I’ve been thinking about how I can improve myself, better guide my community, & use my platform in a helpful way. ⁣I didn’t want to simply repost without actually understanding. I didn’t want to just start doing.⁣
So I shut up & I listened. I learned. I learned so that I could really listen. I have so much more listening & learning to do.⁣
⁣I just finished ‘Me and White Supremacy’ by @laylafsaad . It taught me that “you cannot dismantle what you cannot see” & “If you do not see the ways you are part of the problem, you cannot be part of the solution.” To figure out the role I play in racism, it took looking inward & being really honest with myself, this book gave me the thought-provoking questions & tools to do that. I will be going back and reflecting again so if you want to do it again together (it’s $2.99 on kindle), feel free to DM me (or even if there’s one section you want to talk to someone about). ⁣
⁣So here’s my personal anti-racist plan for the future from what I’ve learned so far:
⁣-Being “good” is not a free pass, as I still benefit from the unearned system was set up. I will challenge the intentional or unintentional forms of racism both within myself and in others. Microagressions, White Apathy, White Centering, & Tokenism are all concepts that I now realize have been present throughout my life. I now understand how these things that “I didn’t mean like that” add up and can be worse than flat out hate. I understand that my impact matters more than my intention.
-I will keep showing up and doing the work by really listening, reading and reflecting on what BIPOC creators/artists/authors have to say and keep continuing to seek out resources to grow my understanding on racism. I have found some incredible new accounts that I subscribed to and will be more conscious to actively include a diversity of people in the media I consume. - I will purchase items/donate to more BIPOC businesses, projects, and charities.
To my Black friends, I promise to show up for you, stand with you and work hard. Although I will never fully understand the pain and injustices you go through daily, I seek to practice allyship consistently. BLACK LIVES MATTER ✊🏽✊🏼✊🏿✊🏻✊🏾


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