テイラーRのインスタグラム(taytay_xx) - 5月10日 12時21分

Thank you to all of the mothers- past, present, not yet but soon to be, those no longer with us, and those that aren’t family but have been mother figures. Your guidance, inspiration, lessons and love have helped to shape incredible people. ⁣
Mom, you have always seen a flame in me since I was a kid and you always kept it lit. From taking me to classes, to convincing Dad to let me take an overseas contract and move to Asia, to talking me through things when times get tough and lonely. I see more of you in me every day (I’m even getting more into flowers and plants lately and I used to think it was so boring and wonder why you spent countless hours) and I can’t wait for you to help me raise my future children. And of course celebrating my Nana & Grandma, who have also been such big inspirations and sources of joy and love in my life. Love & miss you. ⁣
Happy Mother’s Day💐💖⁣


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