スージー・ロウのインスタグラム(susiebubble) - 6月8日 21時23分

Jeanie @jeanieus and I both want to make it clear that this is not a conversation to call anyone out in particular. Or to point fingers or to “burn” certain magazines or brands.
This is about a call to COLLECTIVELY do better. Every non-BIPOC person can. And I can. And should. The models we cast, the stylists and photographers and the scores of people behind the scenes that are booked for jobs, the stories we tell as fashion media, the brands we buy as retailers or support as influencers and customers. Most importantly the people we hire at magazines, retailers, brands and agencies and to ask how our bias shapes our decision making on a day to day basis
To that end I applaud the @pullupforchange campaign that is asking companies to openly reveal how many black employees they have (excluding retail staff) as a whole and also in their leadership roles. Mostly beauty brands have responded but I hope fashion ones will follow. We too need to confront these numbers to see where we fall short
As Jeanie says, “This is a largely lawless industry that needs to be regulated somehow." And on some level we love it for its maverick ways but what Jeanie and I both want to see, along with others, is a creative output in imagery and design that reflects the breadth of talent that is truly out there. Not an existing hierarchy that is shaped by discrimination or nepotism. The goal is to see a true meritocracy
I want to thank Jeanie for speaking at length with me. Please do take the time to watch each video. I know long form isn’t fashionable but our attention spans and efforts need to be sustained beyond a week-long cycle of social media posts. Hopefully some of this - no, all of this - resonates. It needs to


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