Janna Breslinのインスタグラム(jannabreslin) - 3月22日 07時26分

Finding reasons to be optimistic during hard & stressful times can seem nearly impossible. It’s easy to feel positivity and gratitude when things are going well. The challenge is to feel it during times like these. It’s opportunities like these that force us to be humble, ground ourselves, and focus on what matters most... love, connection, & safety. I did a meditation and some journaling this morning, and afterwards all I felt was so much compassion for the world and everyone in it. Stay positive, stay safe, and find reasons to smile. Amidst the chaos, it is refreshing to see so much positivity from people and how so many are doing what they can to support and help others. Sending love to everyone!! Home workouts and immune boosting recipes are on my iOS app if you need help at home.


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




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