Janna Breslinのインスタグラム(jannabreslin) - 2月29日 06時15分

COMPOUND LIFTS 🏋🏻 What they are and why I like incorporating them into my training… ▪️Compound exercises recruit more muscle groups in a single exercise hence increasing the efficiency of the workout 💦 Examples are squat, bench press, deadlift, snatch, and clean & jerk. I love them because it’s a full body workout in less time. It’s the fastest way for me to gain muscle and get stronger. I’m forced to focused on mobility/flexibility. And they keep me constantly working on improving technique so I never get bored. I still do fun and unique workouts but I do absolutely believe that compound movements should be a staple in most peoples training! What do you think? 📸 @fraziergraphix


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