National Geographic Travelのインスタグラム(natgeotravel) - 2月23日 14時10分

Photo by @DaisyGilardini | Wapusk National Park in northern Manitoba is the southernmost denning area for polar bears. In this particular episode a mother was resting with her two young cubs in a day den on her way to the pack ice to hunt. Day dens tend to be in wind-protected areas, where snowdrifts and trees form a natural shelter. She stayed there for several hours before she suddenly decided it was time to leave. She flopped downhill in deep snow, and one of her two cubs decided it was more convenient to hitch a ride on mama’s behind. The cub jumped up and held on with a firm bite to mama’s furry backside—a charming and totally unexpected behavior.
Wildlife photography is all about patience and perseverance. Despite the challenging conditions and long hours waiting for something to happen, the experience of witnessing something so rare is beyond price.
Follow me @DaisyGilardini for more images and stories behind the scenes. #explorecanada #ParksCanada #polarbear #wapusknationalpark #climatechange

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