アシュリー・ハートのインスタグラム(ashleyhart) - 1月14日 01時10分

I’ve just got back from Australia, which for obvious reasons, was a really challenging time. The sky was constantly thick with smoke and everyone had a heavy heart. It was impossible not to feel somewhat helpless and mildly depressed.
On one hand, seeing the amazing efforts of the fire fighters & all the people coming together to help was absolutely incredible.
On the other hand, on a personal level, I’ve felt conflicted with everything in my day to day life. The devastation has colored the things I would normally enjoy and naturally share, with a layer of insufficiency and guilt. Even when it comes to helping with or posting about the fires, it’s also felt insufficient, not enough, not done in the right way or to the right place. Many people have responded by making nasty comments with their personal opinions, to others and myself, as to what constitutes an appropriate response.
I know what I feel on a small level is nothing compared to those who have lost everything, the billion animal lives lost, or the people on the front line fighting this thing. Yet I’m reminded that in whatever capacity we are effected, we can’t let all this heaviness add further to the smoke already weighing over us.
We must use this wake up call from Mother Nature as fuel to take more powerful action towards a sustainable, healthy and happy planet. Not only in our day to day choices but also in our state of mind.
I’m also reminded, more than ever, of the natural cycles in life, those of our own internal process and those, on a bigger scale, in Nature. In Vedic knowledge, these cycles are looked at more deeply, illuminating their underlying purpose, which is to keep life evolving and ultimately thriving.
These cycles are referred to as ‘Creation’, ‘Maintenance’ and ‘Destruction’. Right now with the fires in Australia, I see Nature in full blown destruction mode, making space for new creation. As the Veda points out, if we stay in ignorance for too long, not continuing to create healthy evolution, destruction will come to wake us up. (Continue in comments)


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