カタリーナ・ドゥニのインスタグラム(catalinadenis) - 11月19日 03時34分

Part 1. 👁👁Watch until the end!!! Very often people would ask me: “ how do you do to always be happy, in a good mood, full of energy?... Well, the answer is that first of all, is not Always the case.. 😊 But I would have to say that I DO THE WORK. I’ve done the work and I keep doing the work every day. The work of RECONNECTION. Connection to that space in me that knows. Connection to that space of total trust, of full potential, of inner wisdom, connection to the Life in me!!! And it’s beautiful and incredibly empowering and uplifting to confirm over and over again how these tools that we have, such as Yoga, Meditation and Breathwork are incredible effective when it comes to getting back to your center, back to your power, back to your A Game. These tools that have been with us for thousands of years are unbeatable at allowing me to regain consciousness and awareness of who I am and allow me to stop putting myself in the role of a victim and allow me to start participating actively in my life, in everything I say, everything I do, each decision that I make. GETTING The work done pays. And it’s this work that I’m honored to share with you. HOW TO GET OUT OF THE FUNK AND BACK IN THE FLOW !!!!
And if you’re not doing it already.... I invite you to try... use YOUR TOOLS, whatever is it... All Life is Yoga anyway... get on it... Get on your flow.
#empowerment #selfcare #selfworth #selfwork #innerwork #power #connection #awareness #consciousness #yoga #theheartofyoga #teacher #life #coach #share #dharma #love #yogalife #health #mentalhealth #flow #challenge #opportunity #choice


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