CIAのインスタグラム(cia) - 11月14日 00時54分

(1/3) "I joined on my 19th birthday in 1969. A friend of mine and I went in, and we went to basic together. I stayed in ‘til August of ‘75, then got out for 8 months. I wanted to go to college, but I ran out of money quickly. I went back in, stayed, and retired in 1990. From there, I started working for the Government—DOD, DOE, and here. I’ve basically spent my whole life—50 years of my adult life—working in and around the Government. And I don’t have one regret. Education was and is a huge benefit of the military—I went in with a high school diploma and came out with a Masters degree. But like anything, it’s only an opportunity if you take advantage of it. I tell the young GIs now, take advantage of the opportunity. I wouldn’t be standing here in this building right now without having taken the opportunity. That was one of the things that qualified me to come here, that combined with my experience."


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