CIAのインスタグラム(cia) - 10月31日 04時22分

(3/4) “I work with really smart people, and everybody’s here for the same reason. We’re not here to get rich. There’s sort of a nobility and a purity of motive here that you don’t find everywhere. Beyond that, there’s the actual material impact of the job. If you do it right, there are people who can go home one day who might not have otherwise gone home. And they don’t know it, but you know it. That type of reward supersedes what you can do anywhere else—that you truly can make the world a better or safer place. Apart from the job, I’m a normal 20-something-year-old guy. I come through the gates every day with loud hip hop music. I go out with my friends. I date. In some ways, the beauty of it is you’re the anonymous guy next to somebody at the bar, and while they’re talking about what the government’s doing, you actually know. We’re normal people like everybody else, but we may need to come in on Monday and disrupt a terrorist attack. The dichotomy makes life interesting.”


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