Stephanie Sterjovskiのインスタグラム(stephsjolly) - 10月11日 00時34分

I knew I could ask for help, but I didn’t. Family, Church, Friends, Professionals all to my access but I stayed silent. I thought, “this is just a phase, it’ll pass, I just have a lot on my plate.” Yet years went by of me functioning very low as the anxiety manifested physically for me. It would quite literally make me nauseas (among many other not so pretty symptoms). I carried the heaviness and stress in my body. All the while my business grew, my following grew and inside the Instagram squares a polished, curated feed of what looked like a happy, thriving young woman but behind it all I was in distress. I was embarrassed I could not get this under control. It felt like torture. I’m sharing this today on #WorldMentalHealthDay so that you can know that shame is a lie to keep us in bondage. Ask for help. Talk to someone. I started to release myself from the grip it had on my life after I finally got fed up (and don’t get me wrong I still have to actively be on guard so it doesn’t creep back in). Through my prayers, the Lord brought the exact people He knew I needed and I began my journey to healing, but it took me years to get there friends and I wish I didn’t wait as long as I did to start. As I slowly spoke to close people: @nealjolly, my family, pastor, doctor, naturopath and finally a counsellor I trusted, I was able to better understand and manage my anxiety and panic attacks. I took the time to invest in my mental health (and trust me I would find all the ways to resist/avoid it), which really took up most of my 20’s and now as I am in my 29th year, while I wish I didn’t “waste” so much time, it’s a part of my story and it taught me so much. It’s a beautiful, responsible and freeing thing to seek healing and work on your self development. There is no shame in needing help for your mental health. You do not need to suffer silently, no one gets a badge for this... (Continued in comments) 👇


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