タッド・フジカワのインスタグラム(taddy808) - 10月9日 06時20分


Dear Grade 7 Tadd,

Everything seems uncertain. What will people think of you? Will your friends still like you? How would your family react? Will you ever be able to live your truth?
These are just a few things you will ask yourself.
It's a scary place to be when you feel like you have to hide because you're different. But you don't have to be afraid...you'll realize that it's a beautiful thing to be different. That is what makes you unique and special.
Don't let your family and kids who call you "gay" and "fag" change who you are. You don't have to act more masculine or try to fit in. You don't have to act like someone you're not. Be authentic and confident in who you are. There's nothing wrong with that.
In life you will lose people who you thought would never leave. You will feel abandoned. People will let you down. You'll let yourself down. You will make lots of mistakes. The struggles and failures will make you feel like you're worthless at times. The lows and isolation is where you will learn and grow the most. It will help you to search deep within and find love in yourself.

It's okay to not be okay. You don't always have to be strong. You don't have to fake it. Be sad, cry, feel what you need to feel. Don't run from it. Just make sure you don't stay there. Don't give up. That is not where you belong. You're made for so much more.

Be yourself and don't apologize for being you. Keep working on opening your mind, heart and soul. You have the power to change lives. Don't dim the light that you're able to shine upon others. That is your calling, your purpose, and your passion. Follow it. It will always lead you on the path that you're meant to be. It is one of the most fulfilling and satisfying things you will ever do. Be fearless in the love you give yourself and the world.

Thank you @getrealmovement for everything you do! 💜

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