Anna Starodubtsevaのインスタグラム(anyastar) - 9月11日 11時52分

I was once told that I was too demanding and hungry for life, that I wanted to much, nothing was enough, my dreams were simply Too Big.

I was rejected because of that, simply because I was “Too much work” for someone who didn’t want to do any at all and who was my whole world. Needles to say that I was devastated, broken, crashed, slammed , disappointed, angry, sad you name it. Of course I thought that problem was with me and everything was my fault and wasn’t enough ... ⠀
I thought it was the biggest disappointment of my life ,it appeared to be the most amazing thing ever happened to me. I just needed some time and some deep work to realize that.

It was the beginning of my journey, of spiritual awakening and my growth in all possible areas.
You’ll be amazed , that As soon as you stop being held back you can use all your potential, spread your wings and fly as high as you want. Sky is a limit...

No one should be ever blamed for wanting “too much from life”, for not wanting to settle for average, for simple, small.
There is nothing wrong having desire to work, grow, travel, achieve, dream big, dream huge!!!!

No one should be ever blamed for simply being yourself.

We live only once,might as well enjoy the hell out of it.
And if some loser tells you that you should slow down and just settle for average life ... don’t settle for this loser ... run ... run as fast as you can.

Thank him for the experience and move on with your amazing life 🖤.

Don’t ever be ashamed for being YOU...

Much love ❤️.

@Anna Starodubtseva .
Captured by @jpaullphoto .
Makeup by @make_up_inna .
Hair by .


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