ナショナルジオグラフィックのインスタグラム(natgeo) - 8月6日 00時01分

Video by Bertie Gregory @bertiegregory | If you didn’t know this was two male polar bears, it would be reasonable to think this was some kind of male/female courtship. While stranded on land, male polar bears often pair with a sparring buddy. This allows them to practice fighting, as in a few month’s time they could be out on the sea ice fighting in deadly battles over breeding rights. Although they do aggressively box and wrestle during this practice time, they often go through an extraordinary ritual when they first meet. In this case, the smaller polar bear (on the left) saw the much larger bear (on the right) approaching and decided to roll on his back in this submissive posture. These two massive predators then spent the next half an hour or so nuzzling and nibbling one another. It was only after this tenderness, that they somehow decided to have fight! To see them in action, check out my new online series, "Wild_Life: The Big Freeze" at natgeo.com/wildlife or on National Geographic Youtube. Content sponsored by Destination Canada. Follow @bertiegregory for more on the series. #bear #arctic #snow #polarbear #wild_life


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