ギャランス・ドレのインスタグラム(garancedore) - 8月2日 00時08分

Oh yes I did it. I wrote a whole thing about the cool stuff I learn from my dog. Dog lovers, hi. Dog skeptics, com’on - open your mind to the infinite wisdom of the animal kingdom 😂
Okay so!
Did you know emotions get trapped in our body? Do you see dogs shaking after an exciting or stressful moment? I learned at a breathwork class to move as a way to shake off / metabolize emotions faster. I was like OMG Lulu knew it. .

All animals stretch. Stretching & yawning are a great way to release stress. That’s the magic of stress. It can be released!
Sometimes I’m busy and I don’t take her for a run. If I don’t exercise her enough she’ll do it herself by running rounds in my (small) backyard until she’s out of breath. Isn’t it cool? She knows she needs to get it out, so instead of scrolling mindlessly on IG like me, she goes for a run.
I think humans don’t sleep enough in general. I think all animals agree. Go sleep. Find peace. .

Fresh & clean.
Admittedly Lulu’s a little bit like a cat. She is always clean and I don’t have much to do with it - in the morning she cleans her eyes with her paws (I know 😍) and along the day she just keeps her body in check through major licking sessions. Self-care in its purest form.
It’s not just pups. Even old dogs play. Playing for no reason & no goal other than simple fun is probably the most important thing to dogs. Playing is hard for humans because we want everything to have a goal. Can we drop #lifegoals for a moment and just play?
Dogs are pack animals and when you have a dog you’re his pack 😂 - and the cuddle level is insane! And I get it. Cuddling is such a source of peace, love, safety and release. We all should cuddle more, & not just with our one partner. Touch the ones you love!
Your dog feels you, you feel your dog. She can tell if I am sad (and will give me all the attention she can) or if I am joyful (she’ll jump around) I do the same for her because we both have our moments. Feeling others - not just through words. That’s a big lesson.
Talk is cheap. VIBES RULE. .

Then of course yes. Unconditional love, presence, protection & support. Magic!

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