ジェームズ・ヴァン・ダー・ビークのインスタグラム(vanderjames) - 7月26日 01時57分

#tbt 5 years ago when I co-wrote a super dark, R-rated bootleg #powerrangers fan film my friend @bootleguniverse produced to put on @YouTube for free... just ‘cause. Nobody made any money, we did it for fun. It ended up being my first official writing credit, and the first time I got to really stunt train. Plus, my stunt double broke his wrist right before shooting so I got to do all my own sword fighting. 🤩 Unsolicited advice to any aspiring creatives out there: If it inspires you, do it. The money and recognition will come, but first you need to step into a creative flow, and that only really happens when you’re doing something that lights you up. And if some people think what you’re doing is crazy... that’s a bonus 😎


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