Saghar Setarehのインスタグラム(labnoon) - 6月29日 06時30分

Castello del Potentino @castellodipotentino so far. Farrell @tavolamediterranea and I got here yesterday, and the beauty and grandeur of the castle and the land hit me so hard, that I decided to intentionally not touch my camera for 2 days, and just observe and absorb.⁣

I got up at 6, I meditated and took a walk around the castle. We are running an Etruscan feast tomorrow night, so we discussed the menù and the ingredients. A refreshing dip in the pool was necessary, since this was literally the hottest day of the year. ⁣

I have taken this slow, although there are lots of Stories that I have shared and I’m saving them in highlights. For the moment I suffice to say that the marvel of this place and experience so far, has been way more than just awesome location and great food. Meaningful and important conversations, interesting encounters, beautiful people. All the stuff that truly matter.⁣

#OSKtuscany2019 #LabNoonWorkshops


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