ナイジェラ・ローソンのインスタグラム(nigellalawson) - 6月8日 20時20分

I went for dinner at Native @eatnative last night, and I ate the best, most exquisite food, but vibrant with it, that I’ve eaten in a long, long time. Since I’m dashing about madly at the moment trying to get myself ready for @stokeylitfest this afternoon (and still am in a dressing gown, and with dripping wet hair) I will be brief in my picture-posting and present to you just three of the 12 dishes I rhapsodically ate. The first is of the fermented potato waffle with duck liver parfait and pickled apple. The balance between crisp and creamy, rich and sharp, was perfect. It’s a knock-out. Pic 2 is of the cod toast with rhubarb hoisin: think the best sesame prawn toast you could ever imagine (but have yet actually to eat) and then some. Now, when I tell you what pic 3 is of, I know you will go “ugh”, but how wrong you’d be. I mean, I understand, as I was very frightened of that first spoonful. Anyway, it’s white chocolate and bone marrow, but actually what it tastes of is the most intense and rich caramel.
I am so admiring of what @imogendavis and @Ivanjd are doing here: the food is sensational, the room both airy but welcoming, and cosily informal, and the local and no-waste ethos admirable. I just loved it, and hope to be back very, very soon.


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Danielle Sharpのインスタグラム
Danielle Sharpさんがフォロー
