トレーシー・キスのインスタグラム(tracykissdotcom) - 6月3日 20時13分

I don’t know why people feel the need to pretend to be something that they are not, to fake confidence, put on a false persona online and to try to be intimidating and unkind towards others for status. I don’t believe narcissism or having a bad attitude can ever lead to happiness my darlings - the whole “I’m better than you” thing is rotten and more than often stems from insecurity and low self esteem hence this worldwide epidemic of mental health issues. We shouldn’t have to wear armour to survive, to be somebody else to fit in with the crowd or be cocky and cruel stepping on others just to get ahead. I’m thankful in this dog eat dog world that I do not take part in such negativity - I choose to be kind, supportive and accepting of others instead. Stay true to yourself and live a life of good karma and honesty, life will genuinely love you back and reward you with inner peace and self acceptance❤️ What do you think? ------------------------
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